Alfred University Black Glass Arts Series initial video log episode now available
Alfred University’s School of Art and Design held its second annual Black Glass Artist Series in February. The first of two video log episodes chronicling the series, featuring Pittsburgh-based artist Percy Echols, is now available for viewing.
Two glass artists of color, Echols and Los Angeles-based Corey Pemberton, held one-week residencies on campus, offering artist talks and giving demonstrations of their work in the School of Art and Design’s Hot Glass Shop. The series was held during February as an observance of Black History Month.
Episode 1 in Black Glass Artist Series video log
The inaugural Black Glass Artist Series was held in February 2022, with three glass artists of color visiting campus for one-week residencies. The event was the brainchild of Adeye Jean-Baptiste from Scarsdale, NY, how a senior B.F.A. students, who proposed that the School of Art and Design host a series of visiting glass artists who hail from the afro diaspora.